
Cost-effectiveness of a tuberculosis active case finding program targeting household and neighborhood contacts in Cambodia

Cost-effectiveness of a tuberculosis active case finding program targeting household and neighborhood contacts in Cambodia

Document's year of publication: 2011-2015


Identifying multidrug resistance in previously treated tuberculosis patients- a mixed-methods study in Cambodia

Identifying multidrug resistance in previously treated tuberculosis patients- a mixed-methods study in Cambodia

Document's year of publication: 2011-2015


Early detection of tuberculosis through community-based active case finding in Cambodia

SETTING: Cambodia has the highest human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevalence (1.9%) and tuberculosis (TB) incidence (508/100000) in Asia. Banteay Meanchey, a province with high HIV prevalence of 1.9%, established a pilot project in 2003 to enhance TB-HIV activities. We evaluated this project to improve performance.


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